Wall.come my channel.Daily Quran recitation My channel is presenting reciting of Qur'an verses and very beautiful and understanding voice.i hope you people would like to listening it's our holy book reciting ..............and very very beautiful Tilawatat Quran best voice.Surah Yaseen(in Arabic text: يٰسٓ) Beautiful Tilawatat surat Rahman surat Al waqia surah Mulk best voice
#surah yaseen#surah Mulk#surah al-waqiah#surah Rahman#surah yaseen#surah Mulk#surah al-waqiah#surah Rahman full Quran recitation best voice beautiful Tilawat Mashallah best voice beautiful Tilawat Quran Majeed according to the audio our content has all those elements which make understanding and learn learn of Quran easy in the form of subtitle in Arabic. It requires it requires a lot of time resources hard work and dedication.i love quran please viral my utube video and shorts