Haneen Mukhtar: Exploring History, Refuting Ex-Muslims claim, Debunking Myths and Feminism and exposing Sanatan Dharama and Promoting Critical Thinking to Find Out Reality
Welcome to HANEEN Mukhtar's Channel
🔍 About Us:
Our aim is to unveil the reality of historical truths through archeological and scientific proofs, misconceptions spread by islamophobia, and enable people to find the truth in this greyscale world. Our key focus areas are:
Countering Feminism Myths and Islamophobia:
We critically examine narratives that feminist and islamophobia build, debunking myths and address them by providing examples from companion of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and how Islam empower the women.
History of world:
We discuss the history of Islam under the lens of Qur'an and Sunnah.
In the topics of history, we will be talking about the major events in the world's history via the lens of historians and archaeological basis.
islam vs exmuslim