I am Sister Jilsy Jose CMC belonging to the congregation of Mother of Carmel. My surname is Pynadath and my maiden name Elsie.
I am a consecrated person of Jesus Christ. Discerning the Holy Will of God and listening to His Voice I dedicated my life for the cause of the WORD OD GOD. So my channel will be dealing with 'The WORD OF GOD' and its reflections al-through out this channel. Jesus Himself is the Word of God who gives life, light, love and everything. God created this world through His Word- who is Jesus Himself. God the Father creates everything, His Son Lord Jesus saves everyone and God the HolySpirit sanctifies everyone and everything. Jesus says, " Abide in me as I abide in you". Since the culmination of contemplation is 'Union with GOD', the first preference of my channel is to bring God's Good News to the people of God. May God bless me, this channel and all those who come in contact with.