I remember in my thirteen I used to read these books and then in mid 1980s when electricity turn off ,
I use to tell tales to my younger brothers and a little sister and they slowly fall asleep after this bed time story.
i find these books so interesting so after years passed I still have these books in one piece.
as long as I remember it's published in 1965 I guess. These additions belong to my grandfather.
and my youngest uncle read these books for the first time then
these books passed to me and I keep them safe until now it's android computerized 3D world of 2020.
Dastan-e-Amir Hamza
I remember in my thirteen I used to read these books and then in mid 1980s when electricity turn off ,
I use to tell tales to my younger brothers and a little sister and they slowly fall asleep after this bed time story.
i find these books so interesting so after years passed I still have these books in one piece.
as long as I remember it's published in 1965 I guess. These additions belong to my grandfather.
and my youngest uncle read these books for the first time then
these books passed to me and I keep them safe until now it's android computerized 3D world of 2020.
Dastan-e-Amir Hamza