ArvinFTW here your self proclaimed “Vlogger on the rise” from da south. Welcome to my channel.
I enjoy creating contents that surround beauty, appreciation of it, aesthetic, arts, clothes, and lifestyle.
I am passionate about the process of coming up with new contents, preparing for it, and how it challenges my noggen to find ways to make the content come into fruition. I love how this whole thing is new to me, but also feels so familiar.
You may see random contents like vlogs, diy, reviews, and travel here and there, but my channel mostly will circle around the ones mentioned above.
For now, i upload videos once a week.
I hope you enjoy and learned a thing or two.
Please like, comment, and subscribe now.
Lets talk!
IG : arvinftw
Tiktok : ArvinFTW
Email : vinsaint.arvs16@gmail.com
The sentiments and opinions expressed in my channel are soley of my own.
Peace, Faith, & Love.