Welcome to our YouTube channel! We are always excited to have you. In this episode, you will see a dramatic and bitter story that affects the life of a family. Keyvan, a man who left his wife Maryam and their sick child, Soroush, in a difficult situation.
Maryam paid for Soroush's surgery with all her strength and with thousands of loans, and she still hasn't paid the rent of her house. In the meantime, after a long absence, Keyvan returns home, but not alone; But with another woman who ruins Maryam's life. The fight and chaos that follows this return puts the family on the verge of collapse.
Please join our channel and cheer up Soroush's sick heart with your support. A story full of emotions, challenges and trying to survive is waiting for you!
#rural life #nomadic culture #family drama #rural adventure #nomadic travel #family bonds #nomadic traditions #tribal heritage #love and tradition