Hilar Production-2017
Greetings and congratulations to everyone from Hilar Productions. With your sincerity, we have been trying to highlight the diversity of life and cultural activities of the indigenous people living in Bangladesh through video images.
Hilar Productions is a non-political socio-cultural organization. The organization was established on January 8, 2016 by Supriyo Chakma (Shuva).
Through him, the work of Hilar production was started. The main organization is Hilar Valedi. The cultural organization Hilar Productions has made its debut as a member organization. The Hilar Valledi organization has been doing humanitarian work by standing by the side of helpless people along with various activities including cultural, social and sports.
If You Contact Please Send SMS This Page
Supriyo Chakma (Shuva)- www.facebook.com/supriyochakmahilar