The Journeywithpeople project was founded in 2021 by Moka and Mirai, two students from Waseda University. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become a challenge for aspiring students to visit dream schools and talk to university students face-to-face. Through the videos inspired by Domonique Cynthia and Vogue, our project aims to open the perspective by documenting the voice of university students from various higher educational institutions in Japan.
Please do not showcase, manipulate, repost, or profit off our videos without OUR PERMISSION. We take what we do very seriously and put much time/effort into filming, editing, and translating. Please contact us in advance for further discussion.
この動画の無断転載、複製を固く禁じます。撮影、編集、翻訳、全て Journeywithpeople プロジェクトのクリエーター達が制作したものです。転載、複製希望の場合、下記連絡先まで事前にお問合せ下さい。