Assalomu alaykum azizlar!!!
Kanalimga xush kelibsiz!!!
Bu kanalda Uzbek milliy taomlari, dunyo taomlari, tortlar , shirinlik va pishiriqlar, salatlar va desertlar qoʻyib boriladi. Sizlarga oz boʻlsada foydali boʻladi degan umiddaman.
Yangidan-yangi retseptlardan xabardor boʻlishni istasangiz kanalga A'zo bo'lishni va kuzatib borishni unutmang.
Katta rahmat 🌹🌹🌹
Hurmat ila Maftuna's kitchen!!!
Telegram:👉 Maftuna's kitchen
Telegram link: 👇👇👇 @maftunakitchen
Instagram:👉 @Maftuna's kitchen
Hello dear!!!
Welcome to my channel !!!
This channel includes Uzbek national cuisine, world cuisine, cakes, sweets and desserts, salads and desserts. I hope you will be a little bit helpful.
If you want to be aware of the most recent and newest recipe please do not forget to be a subscribe and follow up on the channel.
Thank you very much 🌹🌹🌹
Sincerely, Maftuna's kitchen !!!
Instagram 👉