Cheating and organised sabotage is a mass occurance in online gaming industry. From what has been observed titles such as Hearthstone, Overwatch 1-2, HoS, CS:GO and some MMORPGs are heavily involved in such activties. There is no obvious demonstration that a user/player can make showing the relation between the organised criminals/trash with the owners of the game, or the absence of such.
The "Esport" that you see today is a scam where a select few make money off of a gullible audience that doesn't have an idea nor has the time to dive into understanding of things nor has the people who would introduce them to the behind the scene shenanigans (putting aside the tiny % of those who have money and just looking for means to throw them around). The cult way of being is very strong in this field and somehow doesn't seem to be dying and still making profit.
I've been prevented from attaining a high rating by trash/criminals in Overwatch1-2, CSGO and Hearthstone since 2017.
Good Luck.