N4K — Necro wanderings through long-forgotten and old projects in 4K ONLY FOR YOU! The channel is not about trends but about the author's personal preferences.
Score system:
10. This is a masterpiece!!! It's sending goosebumps down your spine!!! It changes your life or perspective!
9. You recommend the project to everyone and on every corner, especially to those who like this genre.
8. I liked it, but there’s nothing to criticize or praise for. Just good.
7. A couple of small / 1 BIG question about the plot/gameplay/picture.
6. There are many ??? about the final product.
5. I was not fond of anything at all.
4. You recommend turning off this movie / you turn off the game.
3. You STRONGLY recommend turning off this movie / you press alt+f4 and delete the game.
2. You got up and went out so as not to watch this movie / you bombed and threw the gamepad on the floor or the mouse on the table.
1. Vomit reflex activated.