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Randy Dubin

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Hello, I am Randy Dubin, and welcome to my channel. This is

Randy Dubin
2 weeks ago - 0 likes

Stuff like this is extremely bewildering to me. Like, the UL'er does know that there is a huge difference between a copyright holder claiming something in the video (which I assume is the issue here) and said holder blocking or even deleting the video, right? Like, a *GIGANTIC* difference. Like, I had both happen to me, so, I should know. It's one thing to remove music or video out of fear of blocking or removal or copyright strike, in the very least, but to remove audio or video based on a Content ID claim, which, like I said before, is not, repeat *NOT* the same as a copyright strike? That another level of dumb in my view. /endrant #JustSayin

Randy Dubin
5 months ago - 0 likes


That's all I can say. Like, why isn't YT exempt from copyright laws by now, I have no idea.

Randy Dubin
2 years ago - 0 likes

Hey everybody!

I am posting this to make an announcement for everybody who is interested o make me a new channel art banner for both of my 'Randy Dubin' accounts!

For those who are interested, the banner must have a base color of blue (any shade) and must contain AT LEAST four of the following:
Gran Turismo
Katie Cassidy (aka the woman in the middle of my current banner)
Notre Dame Football
Women's Soccer (must contain both Julie Johnston-Dubin [nee Ertz ]and Rose Lavelle)
At least one of the following:
System of a Down

If you are interested in making me this banner, please contact me at

Thank you in advance and I am looking forward to your creations!


Randy Dubin
4 years ago - 0 likes

Hey everybody!

I just UL'ed a video about a meeting that Kaz had with the competitors of the FIA Certified Gran Turismo Championship in Paris back in March. Unfortunately, due to potential copyright issues, I decided to make it unlisted for now. It was originally posted on GTPlanet's Facebook Page. If you want to see the video, the link is below.

Thanks very much in advance for watching!
