Welcome to Free Mama TV where I show moms how to start and run a successful freelancing business - new videos every Tuesday!
I'm Lauren Golden, and I am the founder of The Free Mama Movement! I help moms prepare to leave their jobs to work from home on their own terms & live a totally awesome, guilt-free life! Learn how to start a virtual assistant business, and stay tuned for amazing virtual assistant tips that will help you make money from home online!
Get started now with my FREE training: www.thefreemamamovement.com/
Welcome to Free Mama TV where I show moms how to start and run a successful freelancing business - new videos every Tuesday!
I'm Lauren Golden, and I am the founder of The Free Mama Movement! I help moms prepare to leave their jobs to work from home on their own terms & live a totally awesome, guilt-free life! Learn how to start a virtual assistant business, and stay tuned for amazing virtual assistant tips that will help you make money from home online!
Get started now with my FREE training: www.thefreemamamovement.com/