This channel was truly born on September 21, 2023, with 15 subscribers, with the first informative video about the Jehovah's Witnesses cult. The videos previously uploaded to the channel were mostly a personal bulletin board. At a certain point in my life, I felt that all the material available online, including YouTube, did not fully reflect what I felt. I wanted to add something that no one else was saying. More than anything, it was about reflections and questions from which significant contemplation could arise. Being "born" among JWs is not easy. It will always be a trauma. Not having confronted real life since childhood creates trauma. It's like changing worlds, not just lives. Few can understand. Those who have dissociated and/or been disfellowshipped partly experience these difficulties and the religious trauma along with the disappointments it brings. My goal is to help even just one person somewhere in the world. Because analyzing trauma extinguishes the sense of guilt.