A warm welcome to my channel… my name is Nat;
I discovered resin a few years ago, and quickly fell in love; I learned everything I know by watching artists on here, then putting in the practice.
It took me a while to decide to start a YouTube channel… well I still haven’t actually decided yet! I’m writing this little ‘about’ blurb because I desperately want to share my journey… the fear of failure & ridicule is a massive hurdle but, (I try & tell myself) if I can reach just one person & convince them that they can do what I’m doing, then so the world turns… and I will feel that I’ve given back in a small way.
I am disabled, and can no longer work due to many medical issues, (both physical & mental)… but I always seem to find some relief in my studio.
I’m a wife, Mum & Nanny, living in Qld, Australia with hubby, our dog and our 3 horses… my youngest daughter (21) and her beautiful girlfriend also live on our property in a granny flat. ♥️♥️🇦🇺