My name is Susan, mom to one little girl. I remember a time when I thought I would never be a mother - not because I didn't want to, but because it was so damn hard to get pregnant! I had been off of birth control for 3 years before my husband and I finally conceived our baby. Along the way I learned a few things - and I am STILL learning!
My goal is to empower every woman who is trying to conceive - to inspire them to improve their fertility (naturally, if possible) and educate them about their bodies and reproductive functions. Not only that, but I want to be a safe haven, an emotional support anchor when this TTC journey gets tough. The mental battle that we encounter is possibly the toughest part of trying (and waiting, trying and waiting..) to get pregnant.
"The Aweslims" is a fertility informational resource for women and couples who are trying to conceive. I dive deep into WHY things are the way they are, because that is what I love to do: ask questions and find answers!