Welcome to the channel dedicated to helping your B2B business grow using social media with a focus on LinkedInâ˘ď¸. Stay updated with the latest LinkedInâ˘ď¸ features, strategies and tips to attract opportunities with LinkedInâ˘ď¸ expert and Company Page specialist Michelle J Raymond.
We will cover -
- LinkedInâ˘ď¸ New Features
- LinkedInâ˘ď¸ Company Page Tips
- LinkedInâ˘ď¸ How To's
- LinkedInâ˘ď¸ Social Selling Techniques
- LinkedInâ˘ď¸ Content Creation
- Employee Advocacy on LinkedInâ˘ď¸
- LinkedInâ˘ď¸ Branding
Connect with us - www.b2bgrowthco.com or www.linkedin.com/in/michellejraymond/
** LinkedIn is the registered trademark of LinkedIn Corporation and its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. We are not employees of LinkedIn or Microsoft and have no affiliation with either organisation. **