Mouk is an animated series for young children about a little bear called Mouk who travels the world on his bike. This educational preschool show teaches kids and toddlers about diversity, cultures and the importance of keeping an open mind.
It is based on Marc Boutavant’s beautiful book “Around the World with Mouk: a trail of adventure”.
In each episode, Mouk takes young TV viewers to new countries, to discover a local tradition, a geographic curiosity, a culinary speciality...
On this playful journey, children make discoveries along with Mouk: ice fishing in Canada, Holi Celebration in India, a wedding in Africa, the hatching of turtle eggs on a beach in Madagascar...
The series is a real treasure hunt, which provokes children’s curiosity, resourcefulness and even a little mischief...
Climb up behind their bike and discover with them this realistic, modern and colourful world.
As seen on ABC, Kika, Karusel, Disney Channel.