Gardening is my passion, growing organic food is so rewarding. I have recently started exploring how to make my own fertilizer and discovered worm farming. Why did I wait so long? That is a good question, but today is where we need to focus our energy, not in the past, and not too far into the future. So going forward I will have 2 worm farms aka 1. worm Factory 360 and 2. Big blue. Number 1 has red wigglers and # 2 has a mix of red wigglers and night crawlers, or garden worms that my little helper and I dug out of the dirt to start this journey.
The future shortages and turmoil have motivated me to grow longer term food such as dried beans, tomatoes (canned), sweet potatoes, and winter squashes. I will also grow fun foods like cantaloupe and watermelon because we need a good break once in a while.
Recently we got 6 laying hens and moved over 1000 worms under the food scraps in their run. Will they survive? Stay tuned.
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