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Code with Ahsan

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I built this channel to share about Web Development, and to

Code with Ahsan
4 weeks ago - 13 likes

Another Angular major release?? 😱 What's going on, really!

If you don't already know, Angular has a predictive release cycle.

Which means there's a Major Release every 6 months

To be honest, my favorite release has been Angular v17.

But now, we have Angular v18 released. Today!!!! 🎉

See the image to understand what's new in the v18 release.

Which feature is your favorite btw?

And if you're just starting out web development, get the FREE Web Development bootcamp at

If you're an Angular developer and want to get extremely proficient in Angular, check out the Angular Cookbook 2nd edition 📖

Subscribe for more Angular/Web dev updates.

#angular #angular17 #angular18 #typescript #webdevelopment #codewithahsan

Code with Ahsan
1 month ago - 8 likes

Ready to go live at DevDays Europe Conference in about 10 minutes talking about how I managed to work with 80+ Angular projects seamlessly using Nx . I am going to talk about the challenges I faced, and how I resolved them by using NX schematics, generators, executors, and migrations. This was all done while working for the codebase of Angular Cookbook 2nd edition (
Super excited!
#monorepos #nx #angular #ngcookbook #angularcookbook -#packt

Code with Ahsan
2 months ago - 12 likes

I loved Addy Osmani's LinkedIn post about how Ego ruins a lot of things we need in our life. And ended up creating a simple React app based on this animation he shared! Following are the links to the tutorial and Addy's linkedin post
📃LinkedIn Post:

Code with Ahsan
3 months ago - 11 likes

Wrote about the importance of optimizing images in your web application and what difference it makes on both performance and SEO! Give it a read and subscribe to the newsletter to get these directly in your mailbox and other member exclusive announcements.…

#webdevelopment #webperformance #performanceoptimization #webdeveloper #webperf #squoosh

Code with Ahsan
3 months ago - 4 likes

The new tutorial of a balloons popping game in Angular is live now!!! Using signal queries, signals and the animation builder API in Angular. Learn and fun! Check it out!

Angular Project Tutorial: Balloons Popping Game

#angular #angular17 #angulartutorial #typescript #webdevelopment #webdev #programming #webtechnologies

Code with Ahsan
4 months ago - 27 likes

When you forget your Angular, but then remember you wrote an Angular book that contains exactly what you need 🤣
I was working on some components which need to add keyboard navigation on custom list and list items. I’m glad I wrote that in my book.
#angularcookbook #ngcookbook

Code with Ahsan
4 months ago - 13 likes

Time to plan 2024 for this channel’s content focus
What should I focus on?

Code with Ahsan
5 months ago - 28 likes

Finally, they have arrived. The second edition of the Angular Cookbook. A few of you asked what is a Cookbook or what is the Angular Cookbook about.
A cookbook usually comes with specific problems, their recipes, and their solutions. And the Angular Cookbook does the same. But it covers almost all the major concepts and tools you need to learn to be great at developing applications with Angular. The book is mainly targeted for developers with some experience. However, the code that comes with it is awesome for even senior developers and archietects to look at and learn from :)

Following are the topics that the Angular Cookbook covers:
- Component Communication with @Input() and @Output() decorators, Observables, Signals and getters and setters
- Working with Angular Directives, Directive Composition API and the new Built-in Control Flow
- Dependency Injection in Angular with Injection Tokens, overriding dependencies via value or classes
- Angular Animations including route animations, list animations, staggering animations, sequential and parallel animations, and keyframe animations
- Angular & RxJS containing the most used RxJS operators, making sequential and parallel HTTP calls, handling multiple observable streams, retrying http calls with exponential backoff strategy etc.
- Reactive state management with NgRx which is one of the most popular state management libraries in Angular and is great for enterprise and complex applications
- Advanced Routing concepts in Angular including lazily loading routes
- Angular Forms including custom form controls, form arrays, and testing forms
- Angular CDK including awesome examples of Drag & Drop, List Box, Menu, Virtual Scroll, and adding keyboard navigation to your own lists
- Writing unit tests in Angular apps with Jest
- Writing end to end tests in Angular with Cypress
- Performance optimizations in Angular usng the new @defer block, using the onPush strategy, by using web workers, and pure pipes.
- Building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in Angular.

The book took over 11 months to revamp, and rewrite, and to keep everything up to date to the latest Angular version (17) with the possibility to update it for future Angular versions with ease as well :) Which was not the case for the first edition’s code.

I’m super excited for this book and for the people who will benefit from this. Wouldn’t have been possible without the grace of Allah, and then without the amazing folks who worked with me including Amisha vathare , Suman Sen , Shazeen Iqbal , Marcell Kiss and the whole team.


You can grab your copy from

Code with Ahsan
6 months ago - 22 likes

All set for later today. This is going to be a cool one :)

Code with Ahsan
7 months ago - 17 likes

It might be a bit early since the book is to be published in around a month!!! But which cover do you like more?? 🙂
Purple 🟣 or Black ⚫ ??
#angularcookbook #angular #packtauthors #author #Packtpub