Videojournalist | Stringer | 新聞播報員 | 社区信息传播者| Breaking NYC News Coverage. Crimes , Fire, Crashes . Viral Clips.
Hi! I’m Devin welcome to my channel, you will find NYC News Coverage of Crimes , Fire, Crashes & Viral Clips and sharing my experiences with you. Subscribe to see more.
Freelance Video Journalist. Seen on NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, New York Times, New York Post, CNN, MSNBC, NY1, etc.
Breaking news, viral videos, entertainment and more - these are just a few of the topics that video journalists around the world are covering. From capturing moments around New York City to providing connection in investigative journalism, these video journalists are at the forefront of the news. With the ever-evolving technology at to them, they are able to bring the news to a global audience, giving us the latest events.