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Queen Breezi Carter 💯👽

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Love vibing to beats rapping singing riding around the Lake


Love vibing to beats rapping singing riding around the Lake Late night rides Love sleeping watching horror movies in my dark room Relaxing with my handsome Chihuahua puppy Maxi Moo & Jasper Love real food and a lil bit of junk food, XO Girl 4 Life Money is the motive I'm a big movie collector over 3,700 movies mostly horror I Have every game system hard work pays off I'm in love with my money cause it does buy happiness what I want to buy or have love taking showers gotta stay fresh and smelling good always Drink on occasions mostly stay to myself I'm a YouTube junkie I love watching Chills & Sirspooks on YouTube Favorite TV shows Full House Ghost Adventures love me some Zak Bagans I love to BBQ grill out walking around with my furbaby Max and cuddling him Sleep with lots of pillows and got my two metal fans running every night one on my face and one at my feet I'm always watching or buying movies mostly Love my momma she is my ROCK Love my family of course Aliens are real and big toot