Subscribe for various tips, news and adventures on my Agile and Photography journey
This channel has been built to mix two passions, so I can learn to do better at both. I am new to being a Scrum Master, and have had a very steep learning curve in the last 6 months. I wish to look into why I am making certain decisions, see how the choices I make unfold, and deep dive into the theory of topics to compare. Open honesty - I'm using this as a way to be confident at facilitation & public speaking. Being a Scrum Master is not about memorizing the Scrum Guide, but how it is used in your reality. I say lets pool our experiences together, and learn from each other! The photography is for remembering to be creative, take risks and learn from mistakes. Do you think we can turn this into a community?
Have an issue to look into for a video? Let me know!
John Oisin Atkinson