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All things that that interest me including Jesus, Music incl


All things that that interest me including Jesus, Music including Flute covers, Acting, Sports, Politics including Conspiracy and random humor, cats, and other random guy stuff.

Basically I go about my life and film random things that I see that are interesting. Do I go to specific places or events specifically to film and make videos about them? Sure. I also will film something I hadn't planned if it looks like it might be interesting to me or others. Some of those are the best ones! You never know. Some videos you thought were so great that you put so much work into do nothing. Other random weird vids you do just blow up. That's what so fascinating about Youtube. You just never know!

Also, if you are looking for a vid that used to be on this channel and is now gone, I opened up a Rumble account called limdog and have been putting those vids on that channel. Youtube is more strict about their content so you might find your favorite missing video there.