Welcome to SparkFreedom! My name is Dominic Travaglino, when I was 7 years old my family moved into an RV full-time and traveled to all the amazing places that the US has to offer.
After 10 years of traveling my family decided to move back into a house and lead a normal home life.
But because I had been spoiled with the knowledge that there was more to see and do out in the rest of the country I knew that I had to find some way to escape.
So I decided that I was going to leave my work, home and family and convert my very small Chevy Spark into a car camper and travel across the country once more!
Join me on my adventure as I go through the process of converting my normal compact car into the ultimate car camping machine and learn all there is to know about living life alone on the road!
Also check out my Instagram @SparkFreed for excusive trip photos and video announcements!
#carcamping #chevyspark #camping #roadtrip #nomad