Hey there! I'm mango! If you don't mind, make sure to subscribe! Thank you. Further down, there are my subscriber counts. I’m trying to reach 100 by the end of the year!!:) I know I still have a lot to improve, but I don’t rly have much time to make edits. If I quit, then it’s because I’m rly busy, and doesn’t have time to make edits.
•10 ✔️
•20 ✔️
•30 ✔️
•40 ✔️
•50 ✔️
•60 ✔️
•70 ✔️
•80 ✔️
•90 -
•100 -
Previously: AwhXLayla, Cookie edits, piinkheartss, piinkheart,piinkhearts, Glossy Mango