CKStories is all about the Books and soon to be Series and Movies produced by Charles King. They cover various Genres . We also cover Police Brutality, Racism, LGBTQ Issues and all that plague the underserved and marginalized communities. Black People are being killed everyday by the police and are being killed via other senseless violence. Legislators are passing bills to protect all but Black People. The justice system is not fair which is commonly known. Summing it up Black People make up about 13%-20% of the population but make up the complete Prison System.
Please follow us as we give you constant updates on what is new in the Writing world as well as we broadcast live shows from America in Black and White. Please subscribe and get the notifications for all that is happening.
#race, #racism, #upwardmobility, #justice, #poverty, #murder, #unjust, #politics, #man, #blackman, #blind, #colorblind, #uneducated, #thieves, #thief, #education, #guns, #happy