💜Mother & Daughter COOL & UNIQUE relationship.
💗We are like Besties💜
Want a good laugh? 😂We truly enjoy making people smile & laugh!!😬😂☺️😲🤠🥹🤡
Want helpful tips?🤔👀👩🏽🔧👩🏽💻🗣️🖼️🎨🧵🪅👓📺
We are always silly 24/7 off camera 📷. [Seen or unseen] We want to express this through our Channel as well. We always have a great time with positive vibes. ✨ 😌
We just want to make your day/night!!! 🌃🏙️
People that personally know us always say how they love our relationship & we appreciate it so we thought to ourselves why not show the rest of the world.. ♥️🌍
🙏🏽Subscribe to us please & thank you very much. PROMISE, you won't regret it.😏
Our email: ukinyaandxia@gmail.com
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💲💰Cashapp: cash.app/$UkinyaandXia
🧵*Xia is a Fashion Designer and a Personal Stylist. Her business is: *Xia's Fashin, L.L.C.*🪡
:Youtube: youtube.com/@xiasfashinllc
-Website: www.xia-s-fashin-l-l-c.com