Hi folks, it's Ludo!
My wife and I have a project to renovate a farmhouse that we acquired in the fall of 2020!
It will quite simply be our place of life in a few years, where we wish a life a little calmer and a return "to the sources", a healthier life and closer to nature.
This is why we are going as much as possible, almost every weekend, to renovate this property which is 3 hours by road from our current place of residence.
The challenge is to carry out 100% of the work by myself and "alone", while not being part of the job(s).
I will show you as much as possible all the steps, it will be as if you were there.
I warn you right away, it's a long marathon that awaits us.
You can support me at this address fr.tipeee.com/renovhome/!
or www.paypal.com/paypalme/renovhome
Thank you and see you soon