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Go to the playlist tab! I make playlists for mainly myself,


Go to the playlist tab!
I make playlists for mainly myself, though I do like to share my music taste with people, I set these playlists to public so people can listen to any music I put into them. I don’t upload playlists as videos because I find that sometimes it’s better to shuffle a playlist, you never know what you’re going to get next, unless you look at the queue, but it’s different each time. It’s sort of refreshing to have that change each time, even if the music is familiar, it’s never in the same order, never predictable. I hope you can find comfort in that too. If not that’s more than fine, everyone has different views on the world, different perspectives and opinions, I feel like that should be embraced and accepted. Have a nice day to whoever is reading this ❤️‍🩹