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Origins Genealogy

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Origins Genealogy for finding birth parents, researching anc


Origins Genealogy for finding birth parents, researching ancestry, and more.

A professional genealogy service, Origins uses a combination of DNA testing, genetic genealogy, and other ancestry research to help clients find birth parents, find adopted siblings, find distant relatives, trace their family tree, get in touch with their biological heritage, and more!

If you've ever wanted to trace your roots, search for birth parents, find your biological father or mother, or just research your family tree, then Origins can help. We are the leading family ancestry and genetic genealogy provider and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. With a Genealogical DNA test, backed by stellar database and records research, Origins can help you learn which ethnic groups make up your genetic heritage, or find biological relatives!

Learn more about our professional genealogy services, including probate research, ancestor research, and biological family research, at