Video Tutorials and Support Walkthroughs for using the service. eFileMyForms supports printing, mailing, & electronically filing (eFiling) ACA 1095, 1098, 1099 (inc. 1099-MISC), W-2, & 1042-S tax forms. Additionally, tax records can be imported from Excel, or manually entered, and then PDF copies can be saved or emailed after an order is placed!
Video Tutorials and Support Walkthroughs for using the service. eFileMyForms supports printing, mailing, & electronically filing (eFiling) ACA 1095, 1098, 1099 (inc. 1099-MISC), W-2, & 1042-S tax forms. Additionally, tax records can be imported from Excel, or manually entered, and then PDF copies can be saved or emailed after an order is placed!