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God's word for peace of mind.

Love God, Love Others. #loveoneonother #faithinaction #1john4v21 Let's live with purpose. #wisdom #livejustly #proverbs21v3 God's Love. #godslove #grace #john3v16 All power belongs to Him alone. #divinepower #godsglory #1chronicles29v11 Real hope. #hope #salvation #micah7v7 A pure heart opens your eyes. #seegod #beatitudes #matthew5v8 Give from the heart. #cheerfulgiver #faithinaction #2corinthians9v7 Don't just listen to God's word. #faithinaction #livetheword #james1v22 Trust God's plan. #faith #godsplan #ecclesiastes7v13 Trust His Guidance. #obeygod #walkwithgod #deuteronomy13v4 Trust in His word. #scripturetruths #trustgod #proverbs30v5 Trust in His perfect nature. #faithinaction #godisjust #psalm145v17 Deliverance from Death. #trueriches #faithoverfortune #proverbs11v4 Be patient. #patienceinfaith #trustgodstiming #james5v7 Life isn't measured by what you own. #trueriches #guardyourheart #luke12v15 Trust not in worldly power. #faithoverfear #trustingod #psalm20v7 Our true Home. #liveforeternity #heavenlycitizenship #philippians3v20 Keep it Simple. #keepitsimple #speaktruth #matthew5v37 Righteous God. #godswisdom #seekwisdom #proverbs2v7 Be courageous. #faith #bestrong #1Cirinthians16v13 When hope is delayed. #hopeandfaith #spiritualwisdom #proverbs13v12 Be diligent in your faith. #faithfulliving #approvedbygod #2timothy2v15 Discipline Hurts. #education #spiritualgrowth #hebrews12v11 Trust in God. #faith #trustingod #psalm62v2 Begin your day with prayer. #morningprayer #faithjourney #psalm5v3 May God's mercy cover us. #hopeinhim #divinemercy #psalm33v22 Finding courage through God's guiding hand. #faithoverfear #divinestrength #isaiah41v13 Part of the journey. #faithunderfire #christianlife #2timothy3v12 Don't withhold good. #kindnessmatters #givefreely #proverbs3v27 God's Delight. #speaktruth #godsword #proverbs12v22 God's providence. #faithoverfear #godsprovision #luke12v24 True Values. #kindnessmatters #biblewisdom #proverbs19v22 Find peace. #silentstrength #trustingod #psalm62v5 From plenty to Forgetful. #spirituallessons #bibleinsights #hosea13v6 Master Your Words. #selfcontrol #powerofwords #james3v2 God Reigns. #eternalgod #faith #psalm90v2 Keep faith alive. #liveyourfaith #faithinaction #james2v17 The protector. #godsprotection #faithoverfear #psalm3v3 True Wisdom. #wisdominaction #humbleheart #james3v13 Seek Good. #faith #righteousness #amos5v14 Choose your company wisely. #lifelessons #wisdom #proverbs13v20 Focus on your own flaws. #judgenot #selfreflection #matthew7v3 Trust in God's guiding love. #faithjourney #startofday #psalm143v8 That's how the heavens were made. #creation #powerofgod #psalm33v6 Forgive to be Forgiven. #forgiveness #spiritualgrowth #matthew6v14 Success comes from hard work. #hardwork #wisdom #proverbs14v23 One day is better. #faith #choice #psalm84v10 God remembers your love and service. #encouragement #godspromise #hebrews6v10