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David McEwen

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This channel is all about helping you to become aware of wha

David McEwen
1 week ago - 57 likes

What a wild ride!

We just finished our week long advanced Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat in Cancun and it's so hard to put into words this experience.

What I will say is if it's something you are drawn to, I can't recommend it enough.

So much occurred during this week for us that it felt like a month had gone by. Time really did warp!

Now to integrate what we learned and our experience as a whole before we head on back to Thailand.

Magical things start to happen when you truly invest in yourself, do the work, and trust the process.

That's certainly been my experience.

The journey continues!

David McEwen
1 month ago - 231 likes

Lowering the importance doesn't mean lowering the priority. You are just removing all this excess potential or energy you are putting on something.

When you start lowering the importance, you allow the universe/god/the field to come in and help. You essentially get out of your own way.

I like to use this phrase almost like a mantra. Something I'll say to myself when I find myself becoming hooked and raising the importance of something. It always helps me to reconnect and ground myself.

David McEwen
3 months ago - 31 likes

At 3pm EST today, I'll be sharing with my list a lesson that is rarely taught that will help you have quantum leaps in your life and growth. I share a story of how I did this to create massive changes in my life in a very short amount of time, breaking down exactly what I did. To gain access, go here:

David McEwen
3 months ago - 91 likes

Afternoon lunch with this little girl

David McEwen
3 months ago - 156 likes

This is one of my favorite sayings and something we reiterate time and time again with our clients in our coaching program.

There is a huge difference between knowing about something, and truly knowing something.

True knowing comes from experience. And experience only occurs through application of the principles

Reading about other people's experience can be useful, but it becomes useless if you never engage with whatever it is yourself.

I see many fall into the trap of knowing about something and thinking that will actually create change. It won't!

The application over time of the right knowledge will absolutely change your life.

Just knowing about something because you watched a video, read a book, heard it from someone, etc, and then not applying it, will get you no further than when you started.

It's like knowing how a treadmill works, never actually stepping on it, and expecting yourself to become fitter.

The principles when applied work for everyone. But they must be applied. Or else it's just potential swimming about in your head in the form of info.

I certainly am a recovering information gatherer myself. I used to think the more I know, the more I'll succeed.

So I accumulated a lot of knowledge, felt entitled to "success" because I had done so, didn't stay consistent with my application of it, and..

Was broke, frustrated, confused, angry, and downright miserable.

When I finally put my pride aside, committed to application through working with someone, I started getting phenomenal results.

So, my invitation is to simply keep in mind...

Knowing and not doing is the same as not knowing! Don't be the information gatherer

Because you can be so much more.

From my heart to yours

David McEwen
3 months ago - 188 likes

If you believe in magic, you'll live a magical life

If you take notice of all the magical moments that appear in your life, more will start showing up.

What you focus on grows and expands.

David McEwen
3 months ago - 87 likes

What is the ultimate freedom?

Is it financial freedom?

Time freedom?

Emotional freedom (meaning the ability to not get stressed, worried, etc, or at least regain balance quickly when you do)?

Location freedom?

There are many ways in which we can describe freedom. But I will give you personally what it looks like to me.

And honestly, it looks like a bit of all that I wrote above.

I know plenty of people who have financial freedom (literally making millions)! But are stressed out of their minds, have bad health, and fail to develop strong relationships.

So that to me isn’t true freedom.

In fact, that can be more like a prison than many experiences!

I’ve then seen people that have all the time in the world!

But are broke, want many things that they seemingly can’t have so pretend they didn’t want them in the first place, and are just coasting along, being a little paper boat being thrown around by the current of life.

Doesn’t seem too free either

The thing is, I believe freedom is something that when you begin to embrace it, it seeps into every area if you allow it and know how to cultivate it.

That if you really embody freedom, it will cascade into everything.

As a wise teacher of mine once said…

You can’t piss in one part of the pool without pissing in all of it!

I am very appreciative to be at a point in my life where I feel free in practically every area.

I have the financial freedom which opens so many more doors for my partner and I

It allows us to go on so many adventures, expand our growth through mentors, teachers, and programs, and have access to tools that assist us in every area, along with so much more.

The time freedom to choose my own schedule. Where I can choose when I work, schedule in hobbies I want to try, and so on.

Emotional freedom by not only loving what I get to do which creates less stress, but having learned how to master my emotions which allows me to navigate the bends that show up in my life.

Location freedom where I can travel the world and live in a country I choose (possibly multiple ones at once in the future ;))

Now this isn’t to brag or compare, but to show that this, and much greater, is possible.

And to have this level of freedom, you need only to have the courage to commit to learning how to create this for yourself. To do what is needed to make this your experience in your own way.

It will require you to think, feel, and act differently.

Because if you don’t, you’ll just keep getting more of the same.

But if you have the courage to make that commitment..

To truly step onto the path where the more freedom oriented version of yourself exists, and take that first step

Then you will start to align to and activate a process that can’t help but deliver you these things so long as you stay the path.

A new future is always available.

The future where you have true freedom can be that new future for you.

And you can powerfully make the choice to make this moment right now the starting point for that new future.

If you are ready for true freedom in your life, simply comment below “freedom” and we can have a chat to see if and how I can help.

From my heart to yours

David McEwen
4 months ago - 262 likes

The outer world follows the inner world.

When you first start doing this work.

This can seem like an unbelievable statement.

Something that probably isn’t true, but I’ll keep looking into it because something feels real about it.

However, after enough time, it gets hard to deny

When you see it work this way time and time again without fail.

I can’t tell you how many times now I have not known what to do with something going on in my outer world, stopped fighting it, turned inwards, lowered the importance, and…

A solution presented itself.

And always in a way I didn’t expect or wouldn’t have been able to come up with by myself.

Whenever I would fight my outer world, it would just give me more to fight

It would give me more of the same

But when I stopped fighting it, and chose a different way

It would solve itself very quickly

And the better I got at this game, the quicker the solutions seemed to come in

And the grander and more elegant the solutions became.

It doesn’t matter what area in life it is

This works for your finances, love life, relationships, health, and so on.

The outer world follows the inner world

So, what does your inner world look like?

What does your spiritual and mental hygiene look like?

Could it use a little sprucing up?

When you start to realize that the outer world is simply a result of what you have been doing in your inner world

The whole game of life changes for you.

And so, my invitation to you would be to recognize the amazing creator you actually are

Or at least to do your best in doing so more often

And that your creation abilities start from within

From there, they influence without

You’ll start to realize, like I did, that this is absolutely how it works. It starts to become undeniable.

But you have to be willing to try and give yourself that experience

Because in the same way that you can create all that you want

You can also create all that you don’t want

In fact, many people are doing this right now. All that is in your life at this very moment is your own creation.

If you have the courage to accept that, or at least try that idea on, and then move from the understanding that the outer world follows the inner

So much is going to start changing for you!

David McEwen
4 months ago - 132 likes

It’s not something people tend to like to hear

But I haven’t found any way around it

You are 100% responsible for your own life and the creation of it

It’s easy to try and give that responsibility away

Or blame something outside of ourselves for our situation

And you can go that route if you so choose!

But that route won’t lead you to happiness, abundance, or anything else you may want to experience

It will just lead you to gathering more reasons to keep complaining

And it will keep pumping out reasons to complain on repeat until you decide enough is enough

When you take 100% responsibility

You also start to gain back more of your power

Because you are not giving it to others in order to make “choices” for you

You start to realize that you are creating your world through how you think, what you give your attention to, and the actions you consistently take

And when you realize this, you can then start to powerfully change how you engage with all of that

You can make new choices as to where to put your attention, what thoughts you entertain, how you want to feel, and what actions to take

Then you’ll be very, very glad that you are 100% responsible for your own lifes creation and you wouldn’t want it any other way

So, I would invite you to take off the “victim glasses” if you’re wearing them that makes you see everything wrong with what’s around you

And to instead look through a lens of possibilities

Of what you want to create for yourself instead

And know that you absolutely can create that

Remember, a new future is always available.

David McEwen
4 months ago - 33 likes

Ever had random "chaos" appear in your life despite doing your best to think and feel from a positively charged place? At 3pm (EST) today, I will be sharing with my email list what to do when "chaos" appears in your reality even when you are doing the work and trusting the process. To catch it, and every other in depth email we do each week, join here: