Glasgow❤️ is one o' the great loves o' ma life (the biggest one) + ma beloved Celtic💚🤍FC Footbaw Club which A'm pure proud tae be a fan o'. Glasgow❤️is mair then ma passion, Glasgow❤️ is ma heart, state o' mind, the way A lead ma life, a spark an' ray o' sun which brighten ma days, boost ma mood an' make me laugh. Glasgow❤️ is ma inspiration, luv withoot which A cannae live; Glasgow❤️is ma air withoot which A cannae breathe A'm deid. Glasgow❤️an' Glasgow❤️accent, patter, history an' aw hings aboot Celtic💚🤍FC + matches 💚🤍reviews an' that wull be published oan ma channel an' A want tae make ye fall in luv wi' this amazin City by the Clyde, its pure sexy accent an' o' course Celtic 💚🤍FC. Come an' subscribe ma channel tae help me improve an' thrive 💜