Assalamualaikum wrwb Welcome to Hazrat online Quran academy.
Our Academy is a dedicated platform for learning the Quran and Islamic studies from the comfort of your home. We offer comprehensive Quranic education, including Tajweed (proper pronunciation), Tafsir (exegesis), and Hifz (memorization) programs.
We have highly qualified and most experienced teachers.
Male and female teachers are available.
Our teachers are highly experienced and certified in Quran tutoring to students. Largest and most trusted online Quran academy, skilled male , and female tutors.
Our courses:
Noorani Qaida
Tajweed UL Quran
Hifaz UL Quran
Tafseer UL Quran
Quran Translation
Nazra E Quran
Daily classes up to 30 minutes
2 to 5 classes per week.
► Basic Courses: The Holy Quran, Quaida , Tajweed , Quranic Arabic, modern standard.
Wahtsapp :+923359634785