Ever had the itch to quit your job, move to the country, and become a farmer? Well, I got more than the itch...I got the entire rash!!! Over the course of a decade, I built one of the most successful real estate sales teams in the US. One day I read Mark 8:36, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Was I losing my soul?....I dunno, but I do know I wasn't the husband, father, or Christ follower I could be. My identity and priorities were tied up chasing money and worldly success. So, I walked away from my business completely. With ZERO farming experience, we bought a 150 acre property in SE Minnesota. I changed my priorities to be focused on Christ, my wife, and my 4 kids, all while learning to become a crop farmer from scratch. I traded my business Suit for a set of farming Boots!
Ever had the itch to quit your job, move to the country, and become a farmer? Well, I got more than the itch...I got the entire rash!!! Over the course of a decade, I built one of the most successful real estate sales teams in the US. One day I read Mark 8:36, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Was I losing my soul?....I dunno, but I do know I wasn't the husband, father, or Christ follower I could be. My identity and priorities were tied up chasing money and worldly success. So, I walked away from my business completely. With ZERO farming experience, we bought a 150 acre property in SE Minnesota. I changed my priorities to be focused on Christ, my wife, and my 4 kids, all while learning to become a crop farmer from scratch. I traded my business Suit for a set of farming Boots!