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Taste of Retirement滋味黃金歲月

764 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Sharing the many different aspects of retirement life as a C


Sharing the many different aspects of retirement life as a Chinese in North America. Traveling is our passion, whether going on road trips in our RV, cruising, or on land tours. Taking every opportunity to enjoy the universe that was prepared for us by our Creator while we still can. Welcome! Please bear with me as I am just starting to learn about this. Thank you!

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." -- Psalm 34:8

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生活在北美將近50年, 從不到18歲的女孩到現在的退休年齡, 終於可以自在的渡過餘下的人生. 希望在這一小塊天地跟大家分享我們這段黃金歲月的吃, 喝, 玩, 樂, 生活點滴, 一起共享各樣的滋味人生. 旅遊是我們的興趣, 無論是房車自駕, 遊輪, 旅行團, 世界各地都是我們嚮往的境地. 歡迎您來跟我們一同出遊! 因剛開始學習使用此媒體, 仍在摸索學習中, 不盡完美之處請包容, 希望會漸入佳境.

"你們要嚐嚐主恩的滋味, 便知道祂是美善, 投靠祂的人有福了." --詩篇34:8
