Dietitian Prachi Ambolkar is an International Consulting Clinical Dietitian & Speaker and a Certified Diabetes Educator, with 17+ years of total experience into Weight Loss, Weight Gain and Therapeutic Diets like Diabetic Diet, Renal Diet, Diet plan to increase Haemoglobin, etc.
✨ International Clients in 7+ Countries Including U.S.A, U.K, Dubai, Qatar, France,Indonesia,Ethiopia.
✨ Speaker on various International Forums hosted by Singapore, Ethiopia, Indonesia, United States of America with participants from 12+ countries across the globe like Benin, Canada, Mauritius, Japan, etc.
✨ Recipient of 'National Award' for Healthcare Services' & 'Community Service Award' at Navi Mumbai Business Conclave in 2019.
👉Youngest Client is 9months young baby to Eldermost is a 76years old lady.
👉 Success Story of 21kgs weight loss naturally. No Supplements, medicines or starving. Eat More To Lose Weight Naturally.
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