NARUTOの主題歌などで知られるプロの音楽プロデューサーなのにビートメイクが嫌いだったハンサム判治がAbleton LIVEに出会ってビートメイクが好きになった!
バンドマンとしてはAbleton Liveはバンドなんよ!
PUSH3とAbleton MoveとNoteで楽曲制作していく姿を晒す!
My name is Handsome Hanzi, a singer and music producer who wrote and sang the theme song for the anime "NARUTO" - Bacchikoi!!!.
I make music every day in a private recording studio near the sea in Chigasaki, Japan.
I'm an Ableton Live user.
I love Ableton PUSH3, Ableton Move, and Ableton Note.
My current band is Gorilla Ningenz , a youthful screaming jazz band.
I also sing on a SUP with the ukulele.