Hi my name is Maya and I've bought a house in Bulgaria.
I live here fulltime with my 2 cats since 2022, and we're building a permaculture garden forest together.
My calling is to support people on their healing journey.
I facilitate somatic sessions online to guide emotional trauma releases.
Trauma energy keeps us stuck in acting out patterns that don't serve us.
Such as: putting off your dreams, low self-esteem, feeling stuck, exhausted, lost and empty.
If you know that you deserve to live life more fully, deserve to be happy and feel fulfilled...
...Get in touch by clicking the Zoom Calendar link below :)
My sessions are lighthearted and easy going.
It's actually easy to bring mind and body into alignment when you know how!
I also work with acute trauma, which you feel hasn't been healed by talk therapy.
If you would like to donate to support the channel, you can donate here: paypal.me/mayainbulgaria
Thank you! & I wish you the most fabulous, exciting and inspirational day!