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Professor Otter

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The Atlas Bear was Africa's Native Bear Species we Made Extinct How the Australians Used Bounties to Eradicate the Tasmanian Tiger Humans Wiped Out Stellar's Sea Cow in 27 Years Passenger Pigeons: How America Wiped Out Its Most Abundant Bird The Mothman: The Creature that Warns us of Disasters How we made the Dodo Extinct in 200 years The Jersey Devil: The Horrifying Cryptid from New Jersey The Northern White Rhino is the Most Endangered Species The Symbol of the American Frontier that Almost Disappeared How The Sea Otter Nearly Went Extinct The Tragic Story of Elisabeth Fritzl The Story of Genie, The Feral Child The case of Ariel Castro and the Cleveland Kidnappings The Amazing Extinct Belly-Birthing Frog The Mesmerizing Bloodybelly Comb Jellyfish This spectacular sea snail drills into its prey to inject venom! Red Foxes are adorable and widespread! Predatory tunicates use suction to eat their prey!!! The Scottish Fold Cat Breed The Sphinx Cat Breed Kinkajous are closer relatives to raccoons than monkeys!!! The Sun Bear is the smallest bear in the world! The Polar Bear has black skin and clear hair?! The lightest bird in the world weighs less than a penny! The Ostrich has a fascinating mating dance that you won’t believe! The Spectacled Bear is the only bear in South America!? The Darwin's Fox isn’t really a Fox. The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in the world?! The Least Weasel is the smallest carnivore in the world! The Arctic Fox isn't white all year round! This Tortoise has been Alive for 190 years?! This type of pet fish that can live for 43 years?! Glenn Curtis broke the land speed record riding a motorcycle with an airplane engine!!! The Adeline Penguin will pick fights with seals?! Male Anglerfish are parasites?! Manatees truly are just sea cows! So, is it duck tape or duct tape??? Sloths let algae grow in their fur?! Escalators were shown off as a theme park attraction! Pangolins are one of the worlds most unique mammals Scissors are a 3500 year old tool that we still use everyday! Giant Isopods are foot-long pill bugs that live at the bottom of the ocean?! The inventions that made pizza delivery possible! Toothbrushes used to be made of pig hair?! How burnt toast motivated a man to invent the toaster Cicadas are the reason you hear buzzing in the summer! The oldest company in the world has been open since 578 AD!? The difficulty with inventing the wheel