The main goal for this channel is for you to relax and fall asleep faster. I suffed from insomnia in the past few years due to the changes caused by covid like work and other life related issues. I realized one day that white noise helped me and assisted me in falling asleep really fast. Now I want to share with the world the soothing effects of white noise. Relaxing things are soothing: they make you feel calm, happy, and at ease. Relaxing things are the opposite of things that create worry or excitement. That is why listening to white noise is a soothing way to hear noise containing many frequencies with equal intensities. This channel is a stepping stone between the real world and the dream world. My priority is for you to relax and fall asleep faster. Sleep is an important factor for mood and productivity so I hope to be part of your success. Positive vibes only and feel free to share your experiences with white noise in the comment section.
Thank you all for tuning in