Transformation Academy is an online education company located in Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA that has served nearly 1 million happy students from 200 countries and territories.
We empower INDIEpreneurs (aka self-employed freedom junkies) to create a purpose-driven business and live life on their terms.
OUR VISION is to ignite a revolution of personal freedom through entrepreneurship and education, empowering each individual to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose.
OUR MISSION is to make the education and entrepreneurship tools needed to achieve this vision accessible to all.
Instructors Joeel & Natalie Rivera have been coaching, speaking, writing, and teaching for more than a decade. Joeel is a former psychology professor with a Master’s Degree in Counseling and Education and is currently completing his dissertation on eudaimonic happiness for his Ph.D. in Psychology.