The Birthing of Limitless
In 2012 the idea of restoring individuals came from a place of understanding the hurt, and pain that is felt through rejection. Many identify rejection only in circumstances such as adoption or being fostered. Although this may well be true. Rejection can be identified in several other area’s such as parents being to busy for there children, the second child syndrome, the loss of a parent at a young age, rejection in school, losing your identity in another's, abusive partners, being abused and feeling unloved the list goes on. It was from this place that Reverand Otensia saw the need to empower people. This being said, it took some seven years later for her to gain the courage to invest in this project, which was then launched in May 2019.
The Birthing of Limitless
In 2012 the idea of restoring individuals came from a place of understanding the hurt, and pain that is felt through rejection. Many identify rejection only in circumstances such as adoption or being fostered. Although this may well be true. Rejection can be identified in several other area’s such as parents being to busy for there children, the second child syndrome, the loss of a parent at a young age, rejection in school, losing your identity in another's, abusive partners, being abused and feeling unloved the list goes on. It was from this place that Reverand Otensia saw the need to empower people. This being said, it took some seven years later for her to gain the courage to invest in this project, which was then launched in May 2019.