On this channel you can watch mostly videos related to my RC-hobby: Nitro, gas and electric. I been with this hobby for years. Started with 1/8 nitro cars, but within couple of years i also started 1/5 gas cars, planes and drones. I'm just having fun with this hobby and sometimes I'm trying to film something at the same time. I don't get any money or other benefits from this, so I'm doing videos that I want to do.
People are watching what they want. If somebody want to watch my videos and like them, that's great, if they don't, that's also fine for me.
I enjoy RCs and for me, making videos, is one part of the hobby. If some day i don't want to make these videos anymore, then i stop doing that and going to do something else. If want to ask something: jukka.ovaskainen10@gmail.com
Tällä kanavalla turaan RC aiheisia juttuja: Autoja, droneja ja lennokkeja. Välillä kuvailen vähän muutakin, mitä nyt mieleen tulee ja sattuu kiinnostamaan. Kysymykset ym: jukka.ovaskainen10@gmail.com