Assalamuāalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Everyone
Welcome to Quran and Hadith for Kids. We make cartoon animated videos based on Quran and Authentic Hadith. The videos provide knowledge which benefit kids as well as adults InshaAllah.
Brothers and Sisters, If you like our videos and gain even a little bit of knowledge through it. Please subscribe to our channel, like and share our videos so that more brothers and sisters can take benefit of the knowledge InshaAllah.
Jazakallahu Khairan for watching our videos. And We sincerely ask Allah to guide us all on the straight path.
Assalamuāalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Everyone
Welcome to Quran and Hadith for Kids. We make cartoon animated videos based on Quran and Authentic Hadith. The videos provide knowledge which benefit kids as well as adults InshaAllah.
Brothers and Sisters, If you like our videos and gain even a little bit of knowledge through it. Please subscribe to our channel, like and share our videos so that more brothers and sisters can take benefit of the knowledge InshaAllah.
Jazakallahu Khairan for watching our videos. And We sincerely ask Allah to guide us all on the straight path.