How 2 Grow, Prepare, Cook, Bake, and Buy Diabetic-Friendly, Low Carb Food!
Shirley Bovshow is the Foodie Gardener and a Type 2 Diabetic- "Let's reverse that "Dumb Diabetes Together!"
Learn how to grow organic low-carb vegetables, herbs, and fruits, and how to prepare, cook, and bake delicious low-carb, meals!
If you are a person with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, watch my videos! Learn how to avoid blood sugar spikes by selecting low glycemic index foods, staying active, sleeping well, and understanding food ingredient labels!
Reversing type 2 diabetes takes a complete lifestyle change!
Learn how to modify your restaurant order so you can enjoy every cuisine from Mexican, to Korean, to Indian, and more! Go with me to Costco and preview, gardening and diabetic product deals!
I'm an award-winning garden designer, a Certified California Naturalist, and Diabetes Peer Educator, and Patient Advocate in Los Angeles. I care about you!
Let's reverse that dumb (T2) Diabetes together!