Welcome to Blossom With the Stars! True to the Stars Sidereal Astrology- Finally Astrology Accurate to the Stars!
I channel Divine Energy from Earth, to the Heavens, to Assist us with stepping into our True Divine Self.
My Life Mission is to Serve as a Conduit and a Bridge back to the Soul, Back to Our Soul Nature.
I utilize the most accurate form of Astrology, True to the Stars 13 Sign Astrology, that acts as a Divine Map, to reveal, key points, karmic destiny, Past Lives, and Trauma, what may be blocking Your Forwards Movement?
And then a Plethora of Energy Healing Tools, from Theta Healing, to TFT, to Nature Reconnection, and Breathwork. To Tune Us Back to Source! To Love!
I offer one on one, singular or packages, how deep would you like to Transform?