I'm a Malaysian uncle (Japanese: おっさん, Ossan).
I post stuff about whatever that interests me, but for some reason this is now a keyboard channel.
I also run half-marathon events (barely meeting cut off times) and like tech stuff in general. Also ヲタクデス。
I'm a trilingual who likes to make videos but my video editing techniques are all stuck in 2005.
Into mech keyboards since May 2021.
Aku post video2 entah apa2 ntah. For some reason this is a keyboard channel now.
Trilingual ossan yang suka buat video tapi editing technique semua still stuck in 2005.
Idea ada, tapi execution fail.
Suka nak tunjuk barang2 dia beli.
Into mech keyboards since May 2021.
I'm a Malaysian uncle (Japanese: おっさん, Ossan).
I post stuff about whatever that interests me, but for some reason this is now a keyboard channel.
I also run half-marathon events (barely meeting cut off times) and like tech stuff in general. Also ヲタクデス。
I'm a trilingual who likes to make videos but my video editing techniques are all stuck in 2005.
Into mech keyboards since May 2021.
Aku post video2 entah apa2 ntah. For some reason this is a keyboard channel now.
Trilingual ossan yang suka buat video tapi editing technique semua still stuck in 2005.
Idea ada, tapi execution fail.
Suka nak tunjuk barang2 dia beli.
Into mech keyboards since May 2021.